Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia Dominique Reyes is an SEO Specialist and Content Creator.
How to Hire a Content Writer
Choose a writer who doesn't cause frustration!
Alexia Dominique Reyes
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

How to hire a content writer — a good topic for clueless clients.

I talked about choosing niches for writers on Medium, so I thought it would be nice to help the money-spenders hire a content writer, especially for SEO.

And niches play a part in it. While a great researcher can surely write about any topic, they need more hours to finish. What if you pay by the hour?

In this article, we will discuss the following:

  • How to hire a content writer
  • Why focus on expertise over research skills
  • Where to find content writers

Let’s get started!

How to Hire a Content Writer

How to hire a content writer?

You can hire just anyone who can write properly in your language. Let’s say English. That is what many clients who outsource to India and the Philippines do after all.

But if you care about accuracy and speed, or efficiency if put simply, hire a content writer who is an expert in your field or has considerable experience in it.

It is not hard to find them, but it is (yes) harder if you compare it to simply finding someone who can write well.

With the latter, you only need to assess their language and writing skills.

But then, if you work with a writer who is 50-100% clueless about the topic you assigned or absolutely uninterested in it, it will take more hours than you would like to finish the first draft — if it even gets finished.

You just discovered a way to waste money and time.

Why Focus on Expertise Over Research Skills

I will tell you how much I struggled when I accepted just any writing task that came my way when I was starting.

You need to see what happens on the other side: the perspective of the non-expert writer.

I would spend about an hour researching beforehand, and then I would forget the information and need to research again while writing the article.

It took me 2 to 3 hours to finish the first draft even though I only needed to write 500 words.

If I had been paid by the hour (I was paid per article), the client would have wasted lots of $$$ and that’s not smart. Good thing, only I had suffered.

But imagine you were that client.

If your non-expert content writers worked full-time, they would be able to produce just one article plus an unfinished one (because there would be other things to do or they would need a break) in one workday.

And it is not guaranteed that the information they would include is factual. You would need to review their work, which is time-consuming.

An expert content writer can produce over 5, with little to no errors!

Sadly, a 500-word article that is supposedly a one-hour job becomes a 4-hour laborious task that frustrates everyone if you hire a content writer who doesn’t know your industry well enough.

You know “business” better than I do, and that is a recipe for failure.

If you want your time and money not to go to waste, hire a content writer who is an industry expert!

How to Hire a Content Writer
How to Hire a Content Writer

Where to Find Content Writers

Now you know how to hire a content writer, and niche expertise must be at the top of the checklist. But where can you find content writers who fit your needs?

1. Search Engines

You want to hire a content writer who can rank your blog on search engines, right? If they were able to put themselves on the first page, then they can do it for you.

Using search engines to look for reliable and capable content writers is the best way, although their topic expertise may not be in your field.

If you found this article on the front page, great!

You can work with me if you are in any of these industries: technology, digital marketing, personal development, and social sciences.

2. Social Media

Content writing is not just about blogging. It can also be about social media content. If you need help with social media, then find content writers who specialize in social media content.

Having an active social media page where your audience engages with your posts may not directly help you rank on search engines, but it helps, especially if you are a local business!

Search engines pay attention to “social signals.” If your social media presence is strong, it boosts your authority.

3. Writing Platforms

You will find many great writers on writing platforms such as Medium. I may not be publishing every day on Medium, but I read. And it seems everyone is open to work!

The good thing about using writing platforms to hire a content writer is that you will know the topics they have knowledge about or are interested in. Check out their profile!

However, SEO is usually unimportant to these writers because they build their community within the platform. That is a downside.

You may need to train them.

4. Freelancing Websites

The most popular freelancing websites are Upwork and Fiverr. There are many affordable content writers there, but the quality of work may not impress you. It might not even be decent.

I had clients on Upwork in particular, and they had asked me to accomplish a paid trial writing task. You can do the same to vet the candidates.

How to Hire a Content Writer
How to Hire a Content Writer


A website wouldn’t rank without a blog, and AI content is still faulty even though the technology has become more advanced.

This is why it is important to know how to hire a content writer.

A human content writer can ensure that the content emotionally connects, and they can help you rank amidst the turbulence in the SEO industry today.

Liked the article? How about a free SEO audit from me?

You know how to hire a content writer, but is this the right time to produce new content? I can help you find it out with my free SEO audit. Click here to learn more!

Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia is an SEO specialist with 5+ years of experience in SEO, 3+ years in copywriting, and 10+ years in website development. When not working with SEO clients, she writes on this website, A Lover in Disguise, A Writer in Disguise, Traveling in Disguise, and a sociopolitical blog.

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Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia is an SEO specialist with 5+ years of experience in SEO, 3+ years in copywriting, and 10+ years in website development. When not working with SEO clients, she writes on this website, A Lover in Disguise, A Writer in Disguise, Traveling in Disguise, and a sociopolitical blog.

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