Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia Dominique Reyes is an SEO Specialist and Content Creator.

$Free SEO Audit


View a sample SEO audit spreadsheet here!

High-quality, reliable, and awesome SEO professionals are not affordable. I know that because I am one of them.

I have been in the SEO field since 2019, and I have been paid to fix issues that, truth be told, could be DIY fixed by the owner if only they really analyzed the case.

I somewhat felt bad for accepting $$$ for simply clicking a few buttons here and there. I don’t want to feel bad again, so…

Here is a $FREE SEO audit for those with a limited budget, and there are many of you. I hide feelings for sure, but this is guaranteed no hidden fees!

But you could buy me a coffee if you loved it!

Fill out the form below, and I will send you the SEO audit spreadsheet over email within 1 week. View a sample SEO audit spreadsheet here!

If the email you provided is not the same as the email on the website, I would assume you are a “wannabe” SEO expert fooling clients. I will ignore the submission.

Note that I don’t need to log in to the website or analytics tools to accomplish this. The $FREE SEO audit is on the front-end level, but detailed enough.

Free SEO audit is not available at the moment.