Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia Dominique Reyes is an SEO Specialist and Content Creator.
Difference Between Technical and Off-page SEO
Off-page SEO involves activities outside your website.
Alexia Dominique Reyes
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

It is not difficult to remember the difference between technical and off-page SEO because there isn’t an overlap between them.

Technical SEO is optimizing the website — your website — to ensure that it loads quickly, it is secure, the sitemap has been set up so that it’s easy to navigate and crawl your site, the overall structure is clean, etc.

Basically, anything that is at the website level.

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, involves any activity that occurs outside your website.

Reaching out to other bloggers, posting on social media, commenting on other blogs, submitting your site to search engines and directories, and so on.

Usually, technical SEO is done by an SEO expert with the help of a website developer except if they have website skills on top of their SEO skills, and they agree to make the website changes themselves.

Off-page SEO can be done with only the SEO expert, unless writing is involved.

Guest posting, for one, can’t be accomplished without a writer because you need an article for that.

Written content is also important in social media posts, even for graphics and videos (a video script is part of the video creation process).

Some SEO experts include writing in their services, but that is not free.

Good thing, their rate is still cheaper compared to hiring two or more people to work on the project.

Difference Between Technical and Off-page SEO
Difference Between Technical and Off-page SEO

Difference Between Technical and Off-page SEO

If you are wondering whether to hire a technical or off-page SEO expert, I wonder why. Almost all SEO professionals offer general SEO services, and many of them don’t just give advice but do the actual work.

You can also work with agencies that offer not just SEO services but other services you may need for your business.

Even though technical and off-page are very different, it doesn’t mean you need to hire two people to do them.

It is actually better to hire just one person to manage your SEO to prevent any gaps in your strategies and execution, which may do more harm than good.

I personally do technical, on-page, and off-page SEO for my websites (I have two) and I can easily resolve any issues that pop up.

I was the one who developed and implemented my SEO strategies. Knowing the SEO history of my websites allows me to have an idea of where I might have gone wrong before the issue arose.

Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia is an SEO specialist with 5+ years of experience in SEO, 3+ years in copywriting, and 10+ years in website development. When not working with SEO clients, she writes on this website, A Lover in Disguise, A Writer in Disguise, Traveling in Disguise, and a sociopolitical blog.

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Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia is an SEO specialist with 5+ years of experience in SEO, 3+ years in copywriting, and 10+ years in website development. When not working with SEO clients, she writes on this website, A Lover in Disguise, A Writer in Disguise, Traveling in Disguise, and a sociopolitical blog.

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