Alexia Dominique Reyes

Alexia Dominique Reyes is an SEO Specialist and Content Creator.

Service Pricing in US$

Hi there! Before you read through, if I sent an email to you regarding my desire to be a contributor on your website or part of your team, the information on this page doesn’t apply to our transaction. Your policy applies. I read it!

And below are freelance rates. Email me at [email protected] for negotiations, questions, or non-freelance work offers.

If you understood...

I have been an SEO professional since 2019. If you went here hoping I could help you put your website on the front page of search engines, cheers — that is what I do. For how much? Below are my rates for SEO services:


SEO Audit


SEO Writing


SEO Management

You need a copywriter? I was the lead copywriter at a video marketing agency. I wrote scripts, social media descriptions, product descriptions, website copy, and more. I can help you with that, too! Below are my rates for copywriting:


Direct Response Copywriting


Marketing Video scriptwriting


YouTube Video Scriptwriting

Did you find my website impressive? I designed and developed it, as well as wrote the website copy. Want me to revamp your ancient-looking website? My rate depends on the scope. Use this calculator below to get a quote:

If you want to work with me...

I have a short Google Form here that I would like you to fill out. I will not ask for sensitive information. You can check it out, and then think about whether you really want to work with me. No pressure!

If you want to try me out, avail of my $FREE SEO audit. Guaranteed no risks!

Free SEO audit is not available at the moment.